Wow, Hannah, thank you so much! Two of my friends (who don’t live here) recently asserted their interest in learning German, based on feeling inspired by their time in Berlin. One has just started taking a class, and the other one intends to. All of which has just refreshed my motivation for learning more German too.
I will check out your list. Including the reeeeally old tunes! I actually love when I’m at a restaurant or cafe and very old-timey German songs come on. Or, better still, when a band called Spreeton Orchester randomly set up and performed on the sidewalk recently one night at the place where I was having wine. Maybe next time I can sing along!
As for Schlager, truth be told, a middle-aged Edeka cashier recommended Schlager to me once (with a laugh) for learning German. I didn’t understand why until I was in Mallorca last month and some German tourists were blasting an up-tempo version of a song called “Michaela” — and it has been in my head ever. since. Talk about an ear worm. I definitely believe in the power of that genre now to help me learn the language. ;)
Again, really, I appreciate your suggestions! (And I laughed at your aside about “Ich will Sonne” + today’s weather. A good day for staying in and being cozy.)