Thank you so much for your supportive words, Britni. It’s true, we are more than bodies… and yet the body shapes so much of our experience. The abuse I endured — partly due to my poor self-esteem as a girl / young woman with such a deformity—played a big role in shaping the person I would become. All the pain made me more empathic, more socially conscious, and so on. Perhaps I’d have found those qualities without that circumstance, but when I look at myself as a whole person, I see my breasts having played a role. I do hope, however, that my story helps women in a similar situation to understand that they absolutely do not deserve abuse… and that my musings help to open the minds of others with respect to bodily autonomy and personal expression, too.
I’m very sorry to hear that breast cancer has touched your own circle of friends. Wishing you and your loved ones continued wellness, and much success and happiness to you too!