"Telling a woman to put in equal effort and chase a man like she wants to be chased is setting her up for even greater shortcomings and losses in her relationship. She is already being disadvantaged simply by coupling with a man and not remanining single. To then pile the expectation on top of her that she needs to somehow put in equal effort when she is already being disadvantaged by defaiult is a faulty argument that sets her up for being mistreated. Men and women aren't treated equally well, and no amount of sticking your head in the sand will make that untrue." — Nowhere did I argue any of that. Besides, if it reassures you, I can tell you that my academic background is in sociology, so I was already very aware of the disadvantage that women face, including their disadvantages in relationships.
"saying that women are dumb and weak-willed and don't know what they want is disgusting, reductionist, and woman-hating." — Which is precisely why I have now twice argued against that trope: first in my original comment, second in my initial response to you.