Noooo, don’t be worried! If you are kind, honest, respectful, don’t neg, don’t play games, have good boundaries, etc., love can still find you! :) For what it’s worth, my last serious relationship (many years ago) was with someone unstable, and I loved him very much. It ended not because he was unstable but because he specifically “handled” his volatile emotions by being abusive.
My point being, we all have issues of some kind or another. That doesn’t make you ineligible for or unworthy of love. Actively working on cultivating our equilibrium and being mindful of each party’s emotions, needs, and boundaries is as much as any of us can do — and it’s more than many people in relationships actually do. So kudos to you for working on this stuff! In that regard, it sounds like you’re ahead of a lot of the competition. You will find the right match eventually, and they’ll be excited to find you too. :)