Lovely sentiments, Vasilena! :) To answer your question, I haven't been doing the exact same thing all this time; it's that the underlying problems haven't been solved, and the underlying lacks haven't been remedied. My quarterlife crisis was a time of huge shifts. I changed homes and jobs and continents. And since then, I've tried many different things: I've lived in three different countries, pursued at least seven different lines of work, etc. — but at the end of the day, when you remain in poverty despite your best efforts across a variety of potentials, the struggle continues.
It's interesting you say that change is "easy to say and hard to be done." In my experience, change itself hasn't been the hard thing; I've initiated so many changes. The hard thing for me is that these changes involved risks (risks I took) that brought no economically sustainable rewards, and I'm exhausted now from continuous effort. I guess as I see it, we can make all the changes we want, but if the luck doesn't align... so then we have to try something else... and then luck doesn't align there either (and so on, again and again).... you start running out of ideas for changes to make and new things to try altogether. ;)