I'm very sorry to hear about the end of your friendship, Selena. I also let go of a long-term friendship that I greatly valued years ago as well, largely on account of the fact that I noticed some attitudes and behaviors in the man that were very misogynist, even to the point of him condoning some predatory behaviors. Once I acknowledged this, it was impossible for me to trust or admire him the same way anymore. (And, to be fair, he had shown signs of these behaviors from the beginning; it just took me that long to stop dismissing them.) In my experience, people who struggle to acknowledge, recognize, or uphold healthy boundaries with women also tend to be people with personality traits that make them occasionally disrespectful in general. All this to say: I think you did the right thing in recognizing that it's healthy to take distance from a person like this. We can still hope he changes, though, and if he ever does, then I hope your friendship can recover.
And I agree with you about flirting: there is a time and a place. Even then, not everyone wants someone flirting with them relentlessly in a flirt-happy space. I used to live in a hostel (so, vacation vibes), and it got annoying that some men were SO bent on the idea of scoring a vacation lay that they wouldn't leave me alone. It's best just to make a brief introduction, extend some sort of invitation, and leave the person alone after a minute or two if they don't agree to the invite. (At least that's how I see it.)
Lastly, about being asexual — you absolutely DO have the right to judge the behaviors of non-ace people! Because desire doesn't really excuse anything. The basic rules of respect still apply. :D