Ah, I see your confusion. To try to keep this answer very simple, the bottom line is that not everything that feels painful to us is abusive.
For example, if someone breaks up with you, that would hurt. But it's not abusive for a person to break up with you (unless they're using pseudo-"breakups" as a threat to make you feel unworthy of them and alter your behavior). If someone misses your special event... that might hurt too. But it's not "abusive" unless they're doing things like that routinely in order to make you feel unwanted.
And so on. Pain ≠ abuse.
Ghosting happens at all different levels of connection, not just committed relationships. In fact, ignoring someone entirely is sometimes the safest, healthiest way to deal with them if they are abusive or mentally unstable; I know this because, among other reasons, the police once strongly advised me of this when I had a stalker. So ghosting is a behavior with a lot of shades of gray, and it truly isn't accurate to equate it with the active, ongoing, within-a-relationship slights that constitute emotional abuse. From your response though, I can see that you are focused on some specific relationship and its particulars. I wish you healing for that.
Lastly, thanks for your concern about my connection to my heart. Luckily, being very in tune with my emotions allows me to self-regulate well; I am able to recognize that "feelings are not facts," and that just because someone disappointed me, it doesn't make them an abuser. I only believe in applying labels where they fit. This is why I don't apply the label here.
If someone abused you, I am sorry that you were abused. I wish you all the best.